I think about this a lot. I think about being in a band a lot. Thats what I want to do. If you play anything, and you want to jam, hit me up. kaare676. I play guitar, maybe even vocals, I have songs written out, but no band. Every band around here is either hardcore, post rock or folk.
Indie, alt rock, whatever, I want to make it happen.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
its been too long.........
today I'm finally on my own computer, which means I can post music that I've been really digging lately. some quality shtuff.
here's a few bands for you to check out
Built To Spill- Big Dipper
Built To Spill- In the Morning
Built To Spill- Distopian Dream Girl
These three tracks are off of one of my favorite albums, There's Nothing Wrong With Love.
Modest Mouse- Missed the Boat
This is off their new album, We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
Pinback- Prog
This sexy, sexy, sexy track is off of Blue Screen Life
Uncle Tupelo- Graveyard Shift
Uncle Tupelo- Factory Belt
off of the No Depression Lp
Mars Volta- Live at the Horden
Part 1 part 2
Show I was talking about, if you want to know what The Mars Volta is, click it, really good, professional quality recording.
Summer Songs:
Fugazi- Waiting Room
Mighty Mighty Bosstones- Let Me Be
Mighty Mighty Bosstones- The Impression That I Get
Man, two cds have been really kicking my ass lately.
MODEST MOUSE- We Were Before the Ship Even Sank
I semi reviewed this, but I just love this epic journey. When you hear that crazy voice go "so long to this cold dead part of the world," you feel like your on the masts of rusty rotten ship on a tour around the world. Avast. Get this album you wretch
Stephan Malkmus- Stephan Malkmus
I was iffy about this at first, it seemed to indie and poppy for its own good. HOT DAMN was I wrong, as usual, his lyrics are amazing and creative and good. His lyrics tell exotic stories, and the crazy keyboard use is innovative and funkay. So different from Pavement, but sooooo good. I highly recommend, get it, get it now.
Stephen Malkmus- Baby C'mon
Pavement- Painted Soldiers
Stephen Malkmus- Jojo's Jacket
Crazy weekend; Friday, I went on a date to see Reign On Me with Adam Sandler. Came later, lefter early. I have to say though, this is a solid flick, and if your bored with the box office, then see this. Kind of predictable, but still fresh. ***
Saturday was a guys night out, and we found ourselves at the theater again to see 300. Now, I was out of my head for the first half of the movie, but that didn't matter: This movie was it. Prolly the best movie I have ever seen. The visuals are breathtaking, the fight scenes are fresh and the Spartans are the coolest baddasses I've ever scene. This is the smartest dumb movie I have ever scene. Never have I seen a film like this, and I don't think I ever will again. Seize the opportunity, take yourself to the moovies, plant your buttcheeks in the seat, prepare to lose your mind. *****
I am also reading the Rules of Attraction and Choke
read them
Finally, I missed Planet Earth, and when I went to check my vcr, it didn't recorded. This has to be the first strike in the upcoming battle of man vs. machine. Goddammit, I heard that this was breathtaking, I feel like a moron.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dude, this 7 page Kerouac research paper just wont fuck off, hopefully tonight I can finally end this garbage. Its serously making me like the book less. I'm an idiot for choosing quality book for this project.
During my 4+ hour writing session last night, I listened to: Modest Mouse, Pavement, Built to Spill, Sublime, Band of Horses and Uncle Tupelo.
speaking of which, if you dig Wilco, why haven't you checked out Uncle Tupelo.
Uncle Tupelo- Graveyard Shift, and Factory Belt
They seem so together and full of energy. This is so refreshing to see after getting to know a band like Wilco, where everything is in Jeff Tweedy's vision. (Don't get me wrong, bands that operate like this usually are my favorates: Pavement, The Mars Volta, ect) I prolly like this mostly cuz it taps back into punk roots; it pretty much sounds like hardcore country. Jeff Tweedy is a madman at bass. Really refreshing sound. If you dig, get the album, No Depression.
Expect some quality entries in the future, I'll make it up to you guys
During my 4+ hour writing session last night, I listened to: Modest Mouse, Pavement, Built to Spill, Sublime, Band of Horses and Uncle Tupelo.
speaking of which, if you dig Wilco, why haven't you checked out Uncle Tupelo.
Uncle Tupelo- Graveyard Shift, and Factory Belt
They seem so together and full of energy. This is so refreshing to see after getting to know a band like Wilco, where everything is in Jeff Tweedy's vision. (Don't get me wrong, bands that operate like this usually are my favorates: Pavement, The Mars Volta, ect) I prolly like this mostly cuz it taps back into punk roots; it pretty much sounds like hardcore country. Jeff Tweedy is a madman at bass. Really refreshing sound. If you dig, get the album, No Depression.
Expect some quality entries in the future, I'll make it up to you guys
Monday, March 19, 2007
Todays gonna be a good day for the music,
this was the first thing I listened to today, one of the last songs ever made by the band, pretty much sums up every aspect of the band that I have fallen in love with.
Pavement- Spit On a Stranger
Micro-Reviews (I could either be lazy, or just haven't listened to the albums in totallity, whatever, I'm gonna make slew of generalizations 'bout these albums.)
"don't worry, we're in no hurry,"
Stephen Malkmus
So heres what albums I have been spinning in the past few days:
Pavement- Wowee Zowee: A jam packed 29 track album that at first can appear overwhelming, (expecially if you get the two disk 'sordid sentinals' edition) but it is totally worth it, when you first hear songs like "Rattled by the Rush" on your car stereo. *****
Modest Mouse- The Moon and Antartica: Awesome title, awesome cover artwork, and awesomely cool soundz: solid modest mouse action. *****
Ataxia I and II: I'm going to lump these two releases together, cuz I don't care enough to give them seperate reviews. These albums feature the work of J. Frusciante on Vox and Guitar, the bassist of fugazi and an random guy of drums. Although not as progged out/low fi as Frusciante's solo albums, this sounds strikingly similar to his previous solo releases. Like JF's solo shtuff, this definately isn't something that you can binge listen to. However, there is some solid musaq presented; even if just for street cred, I suggest you listen. ***
The Postal Service- Give UP: If you dig the whole Garden State vibe, you have to hear these guys. Its electronic Indie, got some synths, but it has some great heartfelt vocals and cool music parts. Kind of cute sounding, its great for your softer side (or tripping to.) ****
The Flaming Lips- It Overtakes Me E.P: A funky trip of goofiness and magic. If you like your music weird and ennergetic, youll dig this. *****
Pete the Tank can do a fourty second keg stand, which was easily one of the greatest things I saw this weekend. This post is dedicated to you, big guy.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Mars Volta, Old mixtape, Ect

Hey guys
As of today it is summer. a gorgeous 80 degrees. Perfect weather to sit on your porch and guitar it up on a unplugged Les Paul.
Now down to business
The Mars Volta:.
2 words.... Thomas Pridgen
This guys is a messianistic drum prodigy and he has taken over the kit. Based on reviews of the New Zealand concert, this band has been completely revitalized by this new addition, especially after countless bad reviews. I will try to upload any bootlegs I find of the new Volta
My predictions for the Volta-
A. I can guarantee the new album is going to be stunning
B. There live shows will be breathtaking
C. Omar's guitar chops will continue to become sharpened and more melodic
D. The band will continue to do what they want
I have put together a mix tape of some of the stuff I was listening in the Fall/Winter Season
1. Mason Jennings- Bullet
2. John Frusciante- This Cold
3. At the Drive In- Transatlantic Foe
4. The Thermals- A Pillar of Salt
5. My Morning Jacket - What A Wonderful Man
6. Mew- Eight Flew Over, One Was Destroyed
7. John Frusciante- Surrogate People
8. At the Drive In- Invalid Litter Dept
9. Band Of Horses - Weed Party
10. Sonic Youth- Reena
11. Band Of Horses - The Great Salt Lake
12. Mew- Symmetry
13. Wilco- Kamera
14. John Frusciante- Going Inside
15. The Replacements- Bastards of Young
16. My Morning Jacket- Off the Record
17. The Snake The Cross The Crown- Empires
18. Murder by Death - Canyon Inn (room16)
19. At the Drive In- Hourglass
20. Wilco- Jesus, Etc. 21.
21. Murder By Death- This Song is Brought To You By the Letter C and the Number 6
Modest Mouse- Dashboard
In addition, I will have 2 Ataxia records soon, which if you don't know, they are the band John Frusciante formed with some guy and some other guy from Fugazi. I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I finally get them. I really don't know what to expect cuz its pretty indie...
*note, there will be no Radiohead on here, because I'm sure you've heard of them
Stay classy, stay sassy, I love New York
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Why I love Pavement
Ok so today's post is not going to be long (I'm writing a 7 page paper on On the Road)
Pavement is one of my favorite bands, which I'm sure you know by now. If I were to die tomorrow, I would only want to listen to Terror Twilight in my last few hours. I would definitely cry while listening to it. This is the summer band for me: driving up a dusty road, in the back of yellow beat-up school bus. Homicidal bus driver, arguing brothers, faux-baddass counselor.
Pavement- Major Leagues: One of the greatest (and most under appreciated) band on the world, Pavement made something special, unique and untouchable. I can't get enough of this band and this song-
Nothing gets better than Malkmus's lyrics. Lip bomb on watery clay, relationships hey hey hey, you kiss like a rock, but you know I need it anyway.
Pavement-Carrot Rope: Most positive song ever. You feel like a kid who just got brand new shoes, jumping around and such...
Pavement- Gold Soundz: I get teary eyed when I listen to this. The way Stephen sings "It has a nice ring when you laugh," and "your the kind of girl I like," goes straight to my heart.
Save the 90's
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sick Day Shuffle
sup goonies, today I woke up feeling like I was sculped out of poop (I'll spare you the rest of the details,) so I took a personal day off. My extreme pain is your miniscule gain.
so in order to raise yours and my spirits, we shall have a special offering of RX to help curb your case of the mondays.
The Loud Family- He Do the Police in Different Voices: A classic 90's alt rock song, great way to open an album
The Loud Family- Sword Swallower: A glorious song, expecially 4 seconds in, when Scott Miller goes "ohhhhh" and proceeds to take your ass for a ride
The Loud Family- Spot the Set Up: Featuring a funkay groove, this song is all about staying sassy and classy, I love New York!
Eagles of Death Metal- English Girl: A sexy song that features a guitar groove that should have been featured in the "King and I"
The Minutemen- History Lesson Pt. II: Smack dab in the middle of the Double Nickels on the Dime album, this song is pure soul. Instant nostalgia.
Pinback-Bbtone: Fantastic song. Get this album, "Blue Screen Life"
Jack Shit- Boney Was a Warrior: A delightful sea shanty that is inspired by the epic life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Silversun Pickups-Lazy Eye: A Sonic Youth esque song, I really dig the music video too
The Fratellis- Flathead: Not gonna lie, saw this on MTV and it was easily the best thing I saw all morning. Thats a compliment to the video and the song. They are Scottish.
The Mars Volta- Rapidfire Tollbooth (live): A magestic groove fit only for royalty. Elitist at the very least. If you can't walk more than 3 feet without getting naseuous, this could help you feel a little more important.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Sup dweebs, in the spirit of High Fidelity, I decided to post a few of my top 5's.
Top 5 books at the moment
1. Sirens of Titan: A fantastic work from Vonnegut, an unrestricted, inter-planetary epic that courageously answers the meaning of life. Its also one of his more humorous novels.
2. Killing Yourself to Live: A book by Indie/Hipster prophet, Chuck Klosterman. Using narratives similar to Kerouac, he writes about a cross country roadtrip, in order to find the death sites of famous musicians. The beauty of the novel though, is that it really doesn't deal with his intended thesis that much. Most of the time he writes about his women, the people he meets and a good deal of 90's alt rock and indie criticism. He also talks about Kiss ALOT, which seems pretty ridiculous, but surprisingly his fetish with 80's metal adds another dimension to his narrating. If Mark Twain and Steve Malkmus had kid, it would certainly be Chuck Klosterman (Ace Frehley is obviously the godfather.)
3. Slaughter House Five: Classic Vonnegut, his best work. Funniest novel I've read in a long time. I'm sure everyone has met a real life Roland Weary
4. The Beach: Alex Garland's famous novel. Its a solid read, narrator is craazaaay. Highly recommended, a generation x must read.
5. The Tesseract: A fantastic novel dealing with Manila's street life. Alex Garland interweaves all the characters together and by the end you find yourself thinking, "this is what Crash and 21 Grams wish they could be like"
Current Top 5 records
1. Radiohead- The Bends: A perfect release, what else can I say about the album? "Black Star makes me feel like an ice cream sundae?"
2. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot- Quintessential Wilco album, crazy story behind it, even crazier outcome. Even better was that the succeeding album, A Ghost is Born, is arguably as good
3. The Mars Volta- Deloused in the Comatorium: Majestic, chaotic, transcendent and even life changing. This concept album takes the listener on a ride. It is a different type of art, where the beauty is found in the abstractness and darkness of the music.
4. Pavement- Terror Twilight/Brighten the Corners/Crooked Rain Crooked Rain/Wowee Zowee: ALL of these albums changed the way I listen to music. They are listed in order of importance. They have always been labeled as slacker rock outfit, but they are straight up damn good. From the perfection of Gold Sounds, the melodies of Grounded, the power of Stereo and the nostalgia you get when you hear Summer Babe; this band conjures up so many emotions and they do it all well.
5. Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank: A relatively new release, but it clicks fast and stays hot. It feautres backup vocals from some guy from the Shins and a lot of pirate imagery.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Music,Wilco's new album, books

Fellas, FELLAS!
Over the past few days, I have been fortunate enough to listen to the new album by Wilco, Sky Blue Sky. Its a very fucking good album, but surprisingly, it didn't click as fast as their previous releases. I think this is mostly because its very toned down and in a different direction. Tweedy has taken a much bigger role, as the entire album is centered around him; a good amount of time is devoted to him strumming and singing all alone. In tradition to Wilco's previous albums, I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for a crash of distortion or at the very least, some weird ambience. Sadly, (or fortunately,)there is none of the ambience that was characteristic to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. That being said, there is a decent amount of rocking delivered. I guess this means that Wilco is being more true to themselves as a folk rock band, which I give them much respect for doing so.(Tweedy has stated that use of weird noises and distortion was to prevent them from being too folky on past releases.)
With these minor criticisms out of the way, this is a must have and has very good songs, cool, diverse guitar parts and it features amazing song writing from Jeff Tweedy.
I give it a 9 out of 10.
Tracks to hear: Either way, Impossible Germany, Walken, Shake it off, What light, Please be Patient with me
-I just finished On The Road, by Kerouac, it is an essential read. I plan to read Chuck Palahnauk's Choke next. Its about an antihero.
-I just came across a cool as hell instrumental band called the letter E.
The letter e- better days
get the album, no5ive long player, its amazing.
I've also been listening to a shitload of Pavement. Highly recommend you get some albumz.
Pavement: Shady Lane
Also Omar Rodriguez Lopez is planning of releasing a new solo album, Se Dice Bisonte no Bufalo, and from the sounds of Gravity Lulls, it might not be complete bullshit.
Omar Rodriguez Lopez: If Gravity Lulls
Mars Volta: Caught in the Sun (live)
and courtesy of BK, a song that I've had on loop for a straight hour
the forms: stravinsky
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