Fellas, FELLAS!
Over the past few days, I have been fortunate enough to listen to the new album by Wilco, Sky Blue Sky. Its a very fucking good album, but surprisingly, it didn't click as fast as their previous releases. I think this is mostly because its very toned down and in a different direction. Tweedy has taken a much bigger role, as the entire album is centered around him; a good amount of time is devoted to him strumming and singing all alone. In tradition to Wilco's previous albums, I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for a crash of distortion or at the very least, some weird ambience. Sadly, (or fortunately,)there is none of the ambience that was characteristic to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. That being said, there is a decent amount of rocking delivered. I guess this means that Wilco is being more true to themselves as a folk rock band, which I give them much respect for doing so.(Tweedy has stated that use of weird noises and distortion was to prevent them from being too folky on past releases.)
With these minor criticisms out of the way, this is a must have and has very good songs, cool, diverse guitar parts and it features amazing song writing from Jeff Tweedy.
I give it a 9 out of 10.
Tracks to hear: Either way, Impossible Germany, Walken, Shake it off, What light, Please be Patient with me
-I just finished On The Road, by Kerouac, it is an essential read. I plan to read Chuck Palahnauk's Choke next. Its about an antihero.
-I just came across a cool as hell instrumental band called the letter E.
The letter e- better days
get the album, no5ive long player, its amazing.
I've also been listening to a shitload of Pavement. Highly recommend you get some albumz.
Pavement: Shady Lane
Also Omar Rodriguez Lopez is planning of releasing a new solo album, Se Dice Bisonte no Bufalo, and from the sounds of Gravity Lulls, it might not be complete bullshit.
Omar Rodriguez Lopez: If Gravity Lulls
Mars Volta: Caught in the Sun (live)
and courtesy of BK, a song that I've had on loop for a straight hour
the forms: stravinsky
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